Jesus The Stranger: Recognizing God’s Savior & King

March 23, 2025

Scripture: John 11:45-57

The religious leaders that Jesus encountered mostly deserve the bad reputation that they have. But it’s important to not just write them off as the bad guys because there may be lessons we need to learn about how they resisted what God was trying to do in their lives. They should have been amongst the first to recognize who Jesus was and what he was on earth to do, but they fought against him the hardest. John 11:45-57 will be our guide in worship as we see how they stumbled in recognizing God’s Savior and King, to help us more fully recognize what Jesus is up to in our world today.

Jesus The Stranger: Seeing As Jesus Sees

March 16, 2025

Scripture: Luke 7:36-50

Sometimes it is very clear that other people see us differently from how we see ourselves. Sometimes it even seems that others are seeing us in ways that don’t match our reality. Jesus experienced this repeatedly as well, and was related to as a stranger from so many. Not only can Jesus encourage us when others see us differently, but he models for us how we should see others. Luke 7:36-50 will be our guide as we try to learn to see as Jesus sees.

Jesus The Stranger: A Hidden Treasure

March 9, 2025

Scripture: Luke 2:25-35

When the spiritual becomes just part of our whole lives, when Sunday worship is the space we give to God when keeping the rest of the week for ourselves, we run the risk of practicing a lifeless religion. On this first Sunday of Lent we are encouraged to see how Jesus is a priceless treasure that is ours to experience if we would but open our hearts and let him in. Luke 2:25-35 will be our guide as we worship this morning.

Where You Are: Far Horizons – Astounded At The Greatness

March 2, 2025

Scripture: Luke 9:28-36

Things are changing. In this 9th chapter of Luke where our scripture comes from we see some significant changes in Jesus’ ministry. He sends out the disciples to start learning how they are called to be in ministry to the world. Then he takes his inner circle to get away with him and we get the account that is our scripture today, Luke 9:28-36. It is on the mountain where the group is joined by Moses and Elijah, and Jesus is changed before their eyes. In this moment those few disciples with Jesus are astounded by his greatness and see him as they never had before. May we find ourselves astounded by the greatness of Jesus and engage this world with our faith in him in new ways as we worship today.

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