Where You Are: Embracing The Familiar – What Concern Is That? 

January 19, 2025

Scripture: John 2:1-11

Today as we consider what the gospel of John tells us is Jesus’ first miracle, we see how a Holy God is concerned with regular things in our lives. When we realize that Jesus is willing to meet us in the familiar places in our lives there is comfort and challenge in this reality. Comfort that Jesus walks with us in all our stuff. Challenge because we should look to bring God’s love into the everyday realities of those people around us. John 2:1-11 will help to focus our hearts in worship.

Re-Membering The Body: I Will Be With You

January 12, 2025

Scripture: Luke 3:15-17, 21-22

So much happens between a person and God during the act of baptism. As Methodists we consider baptism one of the two sacraments. Part of what we mean by that is during a sacrament God is doing something special that happens only when we participate in that action. We will consider what it meant for Jesus to be baptized by John and what that has to tell us about the deep ways that God is with us. Luke 3:15-17, 21-22 will help guide our hearts as we worship today.

Re-Membering The Body: They All Gather Together

January 5, 2025

Scripture: Matthew 2:1-12

The story of Christmas continues in this week’s scripture. God came into the world as a baby. The Magi come from far away in order to bring gifts, and honor the body God inhabits. They stop by Herod’s place on the way, and he isn’t as thrilled about the news of the possibility of a new king being born. His aim is to destroy the body God inhabits. We come together with different choices to make about the Body of Jesus. Will we be part of the Body that is his church, and in what ways in 2025? Will we let his presence enter into ours and receive him through the Body and the Blood that we are given in communion? When we do, what difference does that make?

Are You Ready?

December 29, 2024

Scripture: Mark 10:17-27

Pastor Matthew’s Advent series, “Come. Let us adore Him!” helped us prepare room in our hearts to receive Jesus. The Christmas message emphatically proclaims the good news that “God sent His Son to be our Savior.” We must not forget that good news and pack it away until next year like Christmas decorations. This Sunday’s message explores the question: “Now that Jesus has come, am I ready to follow Him?” Are you ready? If not, what one thing do you need the most right now to follow Him? Trust in Jesus who hears our cries for help, calls to us to come to Him, reaches out to us, and lifts us up from the depths to never quit and abandon us. This gospel truth is the source of our “glad tidings of comfort and joy”.

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