Worship, October 4, 2020

Today is World Communion Sunday. We join at Christ's Table with fellow Christians around the world. We come before the Lord

Worship, October 4, 20202020-10-04T11:07:15-04:00

Worship, September 27, 2020

We continue today with My Heart, Christ's Home as we consider The Living Room and how Jesus desires to meet with

Worship, September 27, 20202020-09-27T12:33:59-04:00

Worship, September 20, 2020

As a church, we are called to open the door to provide a space for those desiring to worship to encounter

Worship, September 20, 20202020-09-20T11:17:34-04:00

Worship, September 13, 2020

Good Sunday Morning! What has you excited today? May Jesus be the one who brings us the most joy and renewal

Worship, September 13, 20202020-09-13T12:26:15-04:00

Worship, September 6, 2020

"Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest.

Worship, September 6, 20202020-09-06T10:50:33-04:00

Worship, August 30, 2020

It's Sunday and the Lord has something special for each of us today. We pray that gathering together for worship is

Worship, August 30, 20202020-08-30T12:45:38-04:00

Worship, August 23, 2020

We continue our series, In the Name. Today we reflect on what it is to pray and live In the Name

Worship, August 23, 20202020-08-25T20:22:53-04:00

Worship, August 16, 2020

It's Sunday! This is the day, this is our time, to come before the Lord and worship together. We start a

Worship, August 16, 20202020-08-16T11:53:11-04:00

Worship, July 26, 2020

Hospitality to the Holy Spirit. At the Heart of Worship is how Christians are promised that God will make a home

Worship, July 26, 20202020-08-16T11:44:48-04:00

Worship, July 19, 2020

Unity in Diversity. At the Heart of Worship is how Christians, even as they are so different from each other can

Worship, July 19, 20202020-07-19T08:15:35-04:00
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