Worship, October 4, 2020
Today is World Communion Sunday. We join at Christ's Table with fellow Christians around the world. We come before the Lord
Today is World Communion Sunday. We join at Christ's Table with fellow Christians around the world. We come before the Lord
We continue today with My Heart, Christ's Home as we consider The Living Room and how Jesus desires to meet with
As a church, we are called to open the door to provide a space for those desiring to worship to encounter
Good Sunday Morning! What has you excited today? May Jesus be the one who brings us the most joy and renewal
"Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest.
It's Sunday and the Lord has something special for each of us today. We pray that gathering together for worship is
We continue our series, In the Name. Today we reflect on what it is to pray and live In the Name
It's Sunday! This is the day, this is our time, to come before the Lord and worship together. We start a
Hospitality to the Holy Spirit. At the Heart of Worship is how Christians are promised that God will make a home
Unity in Diversity. At the Heart of Worship is how Christians, even as they are so different from each other can